Become an Official

We Need Officials, We Need You!

PNBOA is the largest organization of basketball officials in the State of Washington, we send the most officials to the WIAA State tournaments and many of our officials have been or currently are college officials. We are dedicated to onboarding and training new officials so you can perform at your highest level. Your basketball experience will help, but is not required to become a great official.

PNBOA members enjoy:

  • Games, games, games. In the Greater Seattle area PNBOA covers thousands of high school varsity, JV, and middle school games at 170 schools and is the preferred provider of basketball officials for top recreation leagues and summer tournaments.
  • The highest rates of pay and fastest payments in the area. When working High School Varsity games you can make up to $80 per game and you will be paid within 48-hours. One-hour recreation games pay $36 and rec tournaments are paid in 3-5 business days.
  • Flexible schedules. You define the days and hours you are available to work – even if you work just one day a week, or only weekday or weekends you can help.
  • Training and Development. PNBOA provides free training for new officials, advanced mentoring programs to support officials year round and partial scholarship awards to attend officiating camps.


Free Training For New Officials Who Sign Up Before October

Don’t have basketball officiating experience and are worried about getting started? Don’t! PNBOA has you covered. The next 50 new officials who complete our FREE Apprentice training program and are offered a contract with PNBOA will receive a FREE Fox40 whistle and lanyard plus a $50 voucher to purchase officiating equipment.

Our next class begins in July with additional classes planned in August and September.

The PNBOA Apprentice program has been streamlined to get you on the court fast and ensure you are successful once you get there. Within a matter of weeks – using online and on-court training – we’ll have you ready to officiate and we’ll pair you with a mentor to support you during your first year.

​New Officials

If you have no prior experience with a State-Accredited Officials Association, please complete the New Official Interest Form.


If you are a member of another WOA basketball officials association and would like to work recreation and school games for PNBOA is well, we have an option for you.

​Returning Officials

If you were a member in good standing of PNBOA in the past and would like to return - we'd love to have you back.

Transferring Officials

If you would like to transfer from another State accredited basketball officials organization, we have a quick process to get your on board with PNBOA.

Experienced Officials Wishing To Join PNBOA

If you have officiated with PNBOA in the past and are looking to return you will find some great changes since you left – higher game rates, lower dues & assessments, faster payments and safer gym environments

If you have officiated with another state recognized officiating organization or have been a collegiate official, you will likely qualify for our Fast Track program designed to get you on the court and eligible for playoff assignments as fast as possible.

WOA Officials – Stay With Your Current Association and Help PNBOA Cover Games

Are you a member of another Washington Officials Association organization such as TBOA and SCBBO and looking for the opportunity to do more games and make some more money? PNBOA could use your help covering school assignments as well as the thousands of top-quality Youth Recreation games each year.

If you are a certified WOA basketball official with another association you can qualify for a PNBOA Associate membership – a reduced dues membership that immediately makes you available to work games for PNBOA while still maintaining your membership with your primary association.

Frequently Asked Questions

New Member FAQs

What does it take to be an official?

It takes many things, including a thorough knowledge of the rules, a love of athletics, kids, and community involvement, self-confidence & courage of conviction, dedication to the necessary hard work, and above all honesty and a high level of integrity. 

Who can be a PNBOA official?

Anyone 16 years or older may apply to become a referee. You must provide your own equipment (black & white shirts, shoes, pants, shorts, etc.) and pay annual WOA and PNBOA Association dues (fees for New Members attending Apprentice training may vary slightly). If you are under the age of 18, you will be required to have permission from a parent or legal guardian to join.

What if I don't have any experience playing basketball?

It helps to have participated in sports if you wish to officiate; however, it is not required. You should learn about the basics of basketball before pursuing an officiating career.

How does a new official get games?

An official is an Independent Contractor (not an employee) who enters into an agreement with the PNBOA. Our new officials enter our Association as an “Apprentice” and are assigned youth recreation games with experienced officials to begin. Everyone progresses at different rates and it depends on the work each individual puts in to developing their officiating skills. However, given the need for officials the path to Varsity games is faster than ever, with some seeing this opportunity in their 2nd year.

Experienced Member FAQs

I am a former PNBOA Member, how do I get reinstated back into the Association?

Former Members may be eligible for re-instatement by approval of the Board of Directors. Please contact the Membership Chairperson

What do I need to do to transfer to the PNBOA from another state-recognized association?

Contact the Membership Chairperson for a Transfer Application, complete and return To speed the process it is helpful to have contact information and a letter of recommendation from your current assignor.   Because of the varying levels of experience and in standards in officiating organizations around the country, transferring officials may be asked to attend a “Transfer Tryout” – an off-season high school game where they are observed by our Evaluations Committee for proper placement within the PNBOA officials roster.

I am a College official, do I have to go through the Transfer Tryout process?​

If you are actively working a full Community College, Div-I, Div-II, or Div-III schedule, you may enter our Association as a “College” official. Our “College” Officials work a limited Varsity schedule, to assist with mentoring and furthering our Varsity foundation. This type of membership does not allow the Official to work Post-Season Playoff, State, or tournament assignments. They are not included in our Evaluations process, therefore are not evaluated, ranked or included as part of our Varsity list. 

Some of our College Members, or Members in transition to a full college schedule, choose to pay full dues and remain full-time Members of the PNBOA, which would make you eligible to be ranked on the Varsity List and work Post-Season, State and tournament assignments. 

  • Reference from assignor 
  • “Evaluation” game 
  • Go to training or offered appropriate spot 

General Questions

What are the requirements to be an official?

All of our Officials are registered with the Washington Officials Association (WOA), must pass a bi-annual WSP background check, and pass a yearly Rules Test and State Clinic (online). Our officials sign a PNBOA Member Services Agreement (MSA) and must abide by PNBOA rules and policies.

Do your referees pay Association dues?

Each year, PNBOA members pay dues of $95 (first year may vary slightly); $112 goes to the Washington Officials Association (WOA) for operating costs and Insurance, $35 to the PNBOA to help offset the expenses to operate the Association.

How is the PNBOA managed?

The PNBOA is governed by a Constitution, By-Laws, and Board Policies. An elected Board of Directors serves the membership on a volunteer basis. Committee members are selected by Board Members, approved by the Board to serve on their respective committees. 

The PNBOA Board of Directors and Assignors oversee day-to-day operations. Standing committees report to a Chairperson, who serves on the Board of Directors. 

What types of memberships does the PNBOA offer?

We have several different levels of membership; Varsity, Registered, Apprentice and College. All members are eligible to work school and recreation games. Officials from all levels work together to cover Junior High, JV, recreation, and traveling league assignments. Members advance via our internal Evaluations system.

Membership Types:

  • Varsity officials are evaluated by paid, Independent Evaluators during the school season. Varsity and College Members are eligible to work High School Varsity game assignments.
  • Registered officials are evaluated by Varsity officials during the school season. Post-season, Registered officials are ranked and the top 10% are promoted to the Varsity level.
  • College officials are officials currently working a full Community College, Division I, II or III schedule, and can give only a portion of their time to the High School basketball season. These members are eligible to work Varsity assignments and are used to help mentor and train younger officials, while helping us to cover Varsity game assignments. College officials may also work recreation and non-Varsity school assignments, but are not included in the Evaluations system and are not eligible for post-season playoff assignments.
  • Apprentice officials are new to officiating basketball, and are required to complete a training course. Advancement occurs at individual rates based on the official’s skill and ability, desire for improvement, availability to work games and through our structured Evaluations process.
Are referees in Washington State Independent Contractors or employees?

The Officials (or Referees) who work game assignments for PNBOA are not employees, they are Indpendent Contractors and must accept and abide by the PNBOA Member Services Agreement (MSA) prior to receiving game assignments. The number of game assignments, levels assigned and days/dates/times are not guaranteed.

Can I just work "Recreation" basketball?​

Yes. As an Independent Contractor, you control your availability to work games. If you do not wish to work School basketball, you will not be evaluated during the school season, and thus are not eligible for any type of advancement. However, you will still be registered with the Washington Officials Association and will be responsible for paying WOA and PNBOA dues.


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Free Training For New Officials Who Sign Up Before October

Don’t have basketball officiating experience and are worried about getting started? Don’t worry PNBOA has you covered.